Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Showering TJ with Love and Pops

This past weekend was the baby shower for one of the sweetest mommy’s-to-be around.  E and her husband are expecting their first baby, a little boy named TJ, in just a few short weeks.  His celebration colors were orange and light blue (close enough to Florida colors for me…Go Gators!), and he was certainly showered with a LOT of love, gifts…and cake pops!


We were asked if we could provide the party favors, and after much brainstorming (Baby blocks? Onesies? Bottle pops?), we decided what cuter way to say thank you to the guests than cake pops in the shape of his name.  The T’s were made of chocolate cake and the J’s were the mom’s favorite – Funfetti!  We had some wonderful reviews and saw a lot of smiling faces, so we will assume they were a hit :).


Congratulations E!!!  Can’t wait to meet that sweet little guy!

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