Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Pop for Every Occasion!

Time goes by so quickly!  Almost a whole month without a blog post...we have some catching up to do!  We have been busy with lots of fun orders, and here are some of our favorites.

One of our favorite new creations were the pirate pops we made for a pirates and princesses party.  They were delicious, and fit into the themed party perfectly!  We heard rave reviews from little MC at her 2nd birthday party :)

Next up was an order of Hello Kitty pops for another birthday party.  We wrapped these and finished them off with a hot pink bow, and off to Houston they went!

I received an email from an old co-worker asking if we could create some house cake pops for a welcome gift on the day of her client's closing.  We were so excited at the opportunity, and we just love how they turned out! 

Then we had Easter, and loved all of our orders that came in for eggs, bunnies, chicks and pigs.  We shipped orders all around the country, and we're hoping they brought lots of smiles on Easter morning!

Stay tuned for more fun creations that we have been busy working on.  Have a great week!!

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